

16 Uppsatser om Halogen bulb - Sida 1 av 2

Lysande belysning? En komparativ sutdie mellan belysningsmöjligheter och rekommendationer

One part of preventive conservation is controlling the lighting in the exhibitions. As a first step we have to accept the fact that the very act of displaying objects is causing them damage, and because the trend is for everything to be open to the public view all the time, the aim is to minimize light exposure of exhibits.This essay will present lighting options and relate them to the current recommendations. I have put the emphasis upon describing which methods one can use to minimize the degradation of exhibits on display by eliminating UV- and IR-radiation and reducing the visible light. The intention with this essay is to investigate the current lighting options and compare these to the recommendations on lighting exhibitions.The selections of different lighting options such as LED-, halogen- and energysaving lamps were made based on avaibility. Thereafter I did two types of investigations.

EU släcker glödlamporna för energismartare alternativ

EU har beslutat sig för att gradvis plocka bort de vanliga glödlamporna från marknaden. Istället ska vi använda energismartare ljuskällor som lågenergi-, halogen- eller LED-lampor.Vilken ljuskälla som ersätter den traditionella glödlampan är ännu oklar. Den värdiga ersättaren ska gärna vara fri från kvicksilver, energismart och inte alltför dyr..

Scilla-släktets användningsmöjligheter i Sverige : med utgångspunkt i ståndort, egenskaper och historia

This study investigates the main question ?How can the small, blue spring bulb genera Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla be used in Swedish outdoor settings, with main focus on the genus Scilla?? This is done by answering four sub-questions: Which of these Scilla-species are hardy in Sweden? Which are their characteristics and habitats? What does their history of application look like? What is commercially available today? The aim of the work has been to make a survey of hardy and available Scilla-species, their character-istics, field of application and history. The purpose is to create a tool in the work with geophytes in different outdoor settings in Sweden, and to contribute to the discussion of new fields of application for bulb plants, such as Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla. The questions are answered through literature studies and discus-sions with knowledgeable persons in the field. First, an investigation and a survey of Scilla-species hardy and commercially available in Sweden, will be presented, where information of appearance, charac-teristics, habitats, varieties and historical and present application of the species will be found. With this background, a discussion around all the questions, today?s use and also new fields of application, has been carried through. The conclusions made from this study, are that there are today 15 Scilla-species commercially available and hardy for the Swedish climate.

Glödljus vs. LED-ljus : En rumslig analys av ljuskvalitén i hemmiljö

Det finns fortfarande för många hushåll i Sverige som använder mest glödljus för belysning, i form av glödlampor eller halogenlampor. Detta orsakar en väsentlig del av det onödiga överskott av koldioxidutsläpp som är en av orsakerna till den globala uppvärmningen. Därför avser detta examensarbete att försöka skapa en grönare miljö genom att studera och uppmärksamma faktorer som påverkar val av ljuskällor i belysningssammanhang.Syftet med examensarbetet är att få en ökad förståelse för hur LED-ljuset upplevs i hemmiljö. Arbetet ska visa hur LED-ljuskällans nuvarande kvalité bedöms utifrån individuella rumsupplevelser samt om ytterligare kvalitetsförbättringar behövs. Detta görs för att kunna vända allmänhetens inställning i en mer positiv riktning gentemot LED, vilket kan bidra till en mer ekologiskt hållbar miljö.För att undersöka hur LED fungerar i hemmiljö genomfördes en experimentell studie med syfte att besvara följande frågor: hur upplevs LED-ljusets kvalité jämfört med halogenljusets, hur tror man att det egna välmåendet påverkas av halogenljus respektive LED-ljus, hur påverkas rumsupplevelsen och rumskaraktären om halogenljus ersätts med LED-ljus och finns det några skillnader mellan ljusdesigners och icke ljusdesigners upplevelse av halogenljus och LED-ljus i hemmiljö?Det byggdes upp två likadana försöksrum som hade samma förutsättningar både storleksmässigt, inredningsmässigt och belysningsmässigt.

Survey of Fusarium species on yellow onion (Allium cepa) on Öland

It has been observed by both onion producers and a plant protection advisor on Öland (an island off the east coast of Sweden) that basal rot is the largest contributory factor to reduced onion quality and yield. Basal rot is mainly caused by species of Fusarium fungi. The aim of this study was to: a) investigate which species of Fusarium that can be found in onion produced on Öland, b) describe the symptoms caused by the different Fusarium fungi found and c) explore, through interviews with the onion producers on Öland, the mechanisms that may be involved in the observed increase in basal rot.Onion bulbs (Allium cepa) were sampled on two occasions. In total 181 onions from 11 different fields were analysed. In addition, eight onion producers were interviewed.

Teknik med Nelli och Nalle : Teknik i vardagen med konkreta bygg- och konstruktionsuppdrag

Syftet med detta utvecklingsarbete var att utveckla en lärarahandledning som stöd i teknik riktat till pedagoger i förskolan. Den skullle ge barnen en möjlighet till att skapa ett intresse för teknik. Lärarhandledningen riktar sig till pedagoger som arbetar med barn i åldrarna 3-6 och innehåller frågor om tekniken i vardagen som kan ställas av två mjukbjörnar, Nelli och Nalle. Utifrån dessa frågor så framställdes konkreta bygg- och konstruktionsuppdrag till varje enskild fråga. I handledningen så beskrivs det på vilket sätt pedagogerna kan arbeta med frågorna.

Inte en glödlampa LED-armatur 35000 timmar till, Not a lightbulb LED luminaire 35000 hours more

Uppsatsen behandlar belysningsarmaturer inom LED-segmentet. Uppsatsen behandlar i synnerhet varför ljuskällan i LED-belysningsarmaturer oftast konstrueras så att ljuskällorna inte är utbytbara. Metoder som har använts i förstudien har varit; informationssökning, kvalitativa intervjuer, teknisk LED-modulsinventering samt konstruktionsundersökningar. Metoder som använts i produktutvecklingsfasen har varit; tekniska informationsstudier, Idéinventering genom visuell idégenerering, imageboards och skissprocess (att tänka med en penna). Syftet med projektet har varit att utveckla en LED-armatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Projektets resultat blev en LED-golvarmatur med utbytbar ljuskälla. Ljuskällan som används i armaturen är enligt den unga branschfrivilliga standarden för LED-moduler, Zhaga..

Anhörigvårdare - kommunens stöd till anhörigvårdare och deras behov av stöd och hjälpFamily caregivers - the municipality's support to family caregivers and their needs of help and support

The family and relatives caring for older people in Sweden lies on an old tradition. The responsibility to care for older family members has gone from family to the society. The aim of this study was to examine the needs of family caregivers and their experience of municipality support. This study includes only the family caregivers who have the main responsibility for the care of relatives and have support from the municipality. The caregivers were not allowed to work more than 50 percent in another job.

Om att skapa en databas över Enaforsholms fjällträdgårds 60-åriga växtförsök

Enaforsholms mountain garden is situated in the western parts of the Swedish province Jämtland. This means a maritime climate. After a donation made by wholesaler A. W. Bergsten the country estate became KSLA property in 1937.

Alternativa stråbränslen i växtföljden :

The purpose of this report is to find out which crops, that are good for strawfuel, and can be grown i the area around the city of Lund. The background of this report it that Lunds energy is planning to bild a biofuelheated thermal power station in Örtofta outside of Lund. I have in the report limited me to the crops hemp, whole crop (triticale), reed canary grass, elephant grass and jerusalem artichoke. I have through a documentary research checked the crops, cultivabillity in the south of Sweden, and how they should fit, in the Scanian crop sequence. Hemp is an annual crop which probably could manage in the Scanian crop sequence. Whole crop often triticale because of it´s high yield and low rate of shed seed. Could also fit into the crop sequence of crop in Scanian. Triticale is annual, and could be grown at the same kind of fields as used to wheat, whith is why it would be possible to grow it in Scania. Reed canary grass is a reedlike grass that is easy grown at most soils.

Light pollution : consequences and sustainable lighting design

Light has always fascinated humans but ever since the invention of the first light bulb, the use of artificial lighting has accelerated dramatically. Darkness has never been as rare as today and the overuse of lighting has created a new phenomenon called light pollution. Most living beings are biologically dependent on the recurrent twenty-four-hour rhythm of light and darkness, called the circadian cycle. Human beings are evolutionary developed after this circadian rhythm and the effects of constant artificial light is yet unknown. Scientists fear the consequences of constant lighting and what it means physically, mentally and philosophically for the human species.

Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige

During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g.

Ljus i butiksmiljö : Upplevelsen av ljus och exponering av produkter

This thesis examines how to improve the exhibition of products within retail for clothes and gift articles. The purpose is to investigate and test how light sources and different directions of light affect how the products are perceived regarding their exhibition. Our question formulations are:To what degree does the level of light in combination with the background of the interior design of a shop affect whether a product is perceived more or less attractive?What can we recommend to make the exhibition of products more attractive? From our observations shops nowadays have relatively high levels of light when they expose products on vertical areas. We have looked on the recommendation from ?Energimyndigheten? in order to see what they think is important when designing retail lightening.

Vintervegetation genom ljus : om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö

Use of lighting is crucial to make public urban places available during dark hours. Landscape architects participate in planning of lighting, but during our education there is very little taught on the subject. Through this study we approach the subject of lighting by looking into lighting methods for urban plant materials during winter. In this thesis we look into ways to emphasize the visible characters and experiences of urban plants during winter season using light. Target audience are landscape architect students and landscape architects without knowledge of lighting. The part of the thesis that describe basic conditions for, and visual characters of plants can be useful to lighting designers without knowledge in this subject. Working methods used were the following: ? Pre-study about light and lighting techniques through literature and dialogues. ? Compiling important visual winter plant characters through photography and literature. ? Outdoor light experiments with plants.

Survey of regulations concerning pesticides in Sweden and the EU : cultivation techniques and competition aspects for Swedish onion and apple producer

As a member of the EU, Sweden has, in some cases, transferred the controlling rights to the Union. This means that the rules defined by the EU must be followed in all member countries, including Sweden. The European Agricultural policy constitutes the largest part of the EU's annual budget and is in contrast to many other areas fully funded at EU level. The last decade, many new regulations on chemicals and pesticides have been introduced which brought great changes and a lot of work throughout the Union, including Sweden. Sweden has always had a strict policy on chemicals and has been at the forefront when it comes to sustainable agriculture and environmental management.

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